From the course: Learning Wix (2022)

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Solution: Create the footer and social bar

Solution: Create the footer and social bar - Wix Tutorial

From the course: Learning Wix (2022)

Solution: Create the footer and social bar

(upbeat instrumental music) - [Instructor] So how did you do with that challenge? Hopefully you did okay. The first thing that you should probably do is add text to the footer because when you roll over the footer it tells you to add elements, and we know that text is one of the elements that we can add. So if you start there by adding the text, then change the background color of the footer, maybe you'll have to change the text color too, and then finally, tackle the social media bar, that's probably a really good approach for this. So let's go through that. I'm going to add elements to my footer, and I want to add text in this particular case, and I can just pick any of these. I'm going to choose this one, and drag and drop it here into my footer. It doesn't ever have to be in the right spot. You can just simply drag and drop it here, make it whatever size that you want. Maybe we can sort of align it with…
