From the course: Location Scouting for Video and Photo Projects

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Know your shooting environment

Know your shooting environment

- On a location scout, it's important to identify the type of environment that you're asking your crew to go into. Make special notes if it's a unique situation. So like here, in this example, I'm in a cave. It's cold, wet, and damp. So we need to provide things to keep gear dry, we also needed to make sure that everyone knows that they needed to come dressed warm. 'Cause no matter what time of year, it is always the same climate down here. It's cold, wet, damp. One of the special, unique considerations that I had to think about in this location, is the dampness and there was no power. So I ended up renting lights that were waterproof, and long-lasting battery powered for us to be able to work. When you're scouting, make sure you understand what you're asking your crew to go into, and make sure that you're comfortable of going into it yourself. As you're going around the environment, you may decide, this isn't going…
