From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training
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Optimize mixing with freeze tracks - Logic Pro Tutorial
From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training
Optimize mixing with freeze tracks
- [Instructor] Depending on the processing speed and power of your Mac, when you load up a project with too many plugins or software instruments, you may run out of CPU power. In this movie will learn how we can use the freeze tracks feature to manage this when your project is at its most processing intensive state, the mix. You can view at any time how much processing power your project is eating up, if you show the CPU usage in the LCD. And those who have currently got it showing up here, it says CPU, and I've got a little meter here. Now notice that I'm barely hitting my CPU at all. When I hit play, that might spike up a little bit more. ♪ You say you love ♪ ♪ me but you won't come back ♪ It goes up a tiny beat. ♪ So I'm leaving tomorrow ♪ So I'm nowhere near the ceiling, but if I had a lot more processing going on that value might get a little higher and it might get near the top. By the way, if you're not seeing this in your LCD you can always show this using the custom view. In…
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Setting up for the mix6m 24s
Mapping controls for hands-on mixing2m 45s
Exploring panning5m 47s
Mixing with patches4m 55s
Working with selection-based processing4m 53s
Mixing with submixes and Track Stacks5m 46s
Spatialize with reverb and delay7m 21s
Giving your mix life with automation7m 2s
Automate your mix in real time5m 54s
Optimize mixing with freeze tracks6m 46s
Mastering with your output fader3m 22s