From the course: Looker Studio for Marketers
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Bringing in data with data connectors and data sources - Google Data Studio Tutorial
From the course: Looker Studio for Marketers
Bringing in data with data connectors and data sources
- [Instructor] Bringing the information part of information design into Looker Studio involves connectors. In the previous video, we saw the different types of the data connectors and what's needed to move on to connect to data sources. The goal right now is to feel empowered to have control over your data stack and be able to communicate exactly what you need in case there are advanced situations that require more support from additional teams. But no matter what platform that you do need data from, there's a way to get it into Looker Studio if you have access to the platforms and the data. Some questions to think about or ask your team are, "Where's our e-commerce data stored?" "What are all of the media platforms we're using to collect data?" "Do we have databases or data warehouses for other customer data?" Data connectors are wires that we'll need to plug in rather than the data itself. After this, all resources…
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