From the course: Looker Studio for Marketers
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Enhancing visualizations with style tools - Google Data Studio Tutorial
From the course: Looker Studio for Marketers
Enhancing visualizations with style tools
- [Instructor] Design elements are important in Looker Studio and data visualization in general because they can help with understanding and discovering analysis better. On this page of the report, we'll use style tools to enhance the charts and we'll check out some shortcuts that make styling easier. First, we'll start with a line graph at the top here. It shows unique purchases over time but what if I asked you to tell me exactly how many purchases happened on January 11th and what about the 18th? It's visible when users hover over the line but if it's a report that's going to be downloaded, emailed, or within a presentation it would be difficult to answer those questions. In the setup panel, the labels can be added to the line. So past setup to style, I'll go to series one, and first select show data labels and then show points as well to make it simple to see the daily metrics. The checkbox above it would change it to…
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The foundations of adding data elements3m 33s
Visualizing and styling data in tables4m 3s
Visualizing time series and line graphs3m 15s
Analyzing trends and comparisons3m 35s
Enhancing visualizations with style tools4m 16s
Applying more chart types3m 14s
Refining data with filters3m 1s
Going beyond basic tables2m 59s