From the course: Looker Studio for Marketers
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The foundations of adding data elements - Google Data Studio Tutorial
From the course: Looker Studio for Marketers
The foundations of adding data elements
- [Host] Now that we've seen how to prepare a dashboard with themes and branding, it's time for the data. The top toolbar is where elements are added in the Data section and where we'll add new charts to the report. The areas of the toolbar that you'll use the most are here. Most of what we do will be adding and editing data elements, and the Chart dropdown has options. Here, we have tables, time series, bar charts, pie charts, scorecards, and more. Scorecards are a great place to start since it's like choosing the headline of a dashboard. I'll select that. And after it's on the page, a right panel will appear. This is one of the most important parts of Looker Studio. You can think of it as the control center for how every individual element looks, what it shows, and how it behaves. Every chart's attributes will be within Properties or Data. Dimensions and metrics are located in the Data area, and options related to style…
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The foundations of adding data elements3m 33s
Visualizing and styling data in tables4m 3s
Visualizing time series and line graphs3m 15s
Analyzing trends and comparisons3m 35s
Enhancing visualizations with style tools4m 16s
Applying more chart types3m 14s
Refining data with filters3m 1s
Going beyond basic tables2m 59s