From the course: Looker Studio for Marketers
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Transforming charts and graphs into controls - Google Data Studio Tutorial
From the course: Looker Studio for Marketers
Transforming charts and graphs into controls
- [Instructor] We've covered two types of filters so far: reusable filters that you can create and manage in resources or in the chart setup, and control filters that have to do with user experience and interaction, like dropdowns and checkboxes. In Looker Studio, there's another method for filtering and interaction based on the visualizations. Almost any chart can be changed into a clickable item that can affect other charts on the page, and this is called cross-filtering. This side of the page has Google Ads data. The bar graphics for Add Group can act as buttons to alter the chart below it. To enable cross-filtering, all you need to do is select the chart element, go to the Setup tab in the Properties panel, and right at the bottom, there should be a toggle to turn it on. Now that it's on, when I click the bars, the table below will be filtered just for that specific value, in this case, affinity. Almost all other…
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