From the course: Looker Studio for Marketers
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Visualizing and styling data in tables - Google Data Studio Tutorial
From the course: Looker Studio for Marketers
Visualizing and styling data in tables
- [Instructor] Dashboarding uses data visualization instead of only spreadsheets, like CSV files or Excel. But tabular data is still incredibly important, and can be customized for a blend of visual analysis. When there are so many tools and options under charts, it can be tempting to keep tables to a minimum and force variety for design's sake. If you find that a lot of your data does fit tables well, it's better to have more and enhance the charts, rather than try to make the data communicate through another type of visualization that might not work as well for communication. To add my first table, I'll go to the chart dropdown, and choose the very first icon under table. After I place it, I also want to change the data source so that paid media information from Google Ads can be within this dashboard. To change the data source, we can go to the data panel and exit out of the Google Merch Store web analytics data. Now, I'll…
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The foundations of adding data elements3m 33s
Visualizing and styling data in tables4m 3s
Visualizing time series and line graphs3m 15s
Analyzing trends and comparisons3m 35s
Enhancing visualizations with style tools4m 16s
Applying more chart types3m 14s
Refining data with filters3m 1s
Going beyond basic tables2m 59s