From the course: Looker Studio for Marketers

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Visualizing time series and line graphs

Visualizing time series and line graphs - Google Data Studio Tutorial

From the course: Looker Studio for Marketers

Visualizing time series and line graphs

- [Instructor] Line charts are a tool to help viewers recognize trends over time visually, which is why they're also referred to as time series charts. In Looker Studio, we can communicate information with those charts and customize them. When I add a chart element this time, I'm going to choose the first time series option from the main chart menu. Since this is about time, the dimension must be a date or time type. It's why we see this calendar icon next to the dimension name in the panel. It will break if it's a text type dimension like the name of a day. These settings will be automatic most of the time when using default connectors like Google Analytics or Google Ads. But if you do get an error, this is a spot to check first. After I place the chart, I already see a good indicator of how new users are performing over time in general, but we can also get more specific. I'm curious to see and compare new users versus…
