From the course: LPIC-2 Linux Engineer (201-450) Cert Prep

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Installing programs from source

Installing programs from source

- Have you ever wondered how source code becomes a program? Let's talk. - [Announcer] You're watching ITProTV. (upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome back to LPIC-2. I am Zach, and this is Don the man of the hour, our maestro, if you will. So source code becoming a program. Is it a marriage? Do they get married legally? What happens? - That's right, it is a (both laughing) a marriage of technologies, that's for sure. In this episode, we're going to learn about how we can take source code, right? The strings and strings of text the developers write, and turn that into an actual binary application that we can run. It's a neat process, that if you're not a developer, you may not have seen. So we'll learn about the tools that you need to make that happen, how it works. We'll actually build an application, and then we'll talk about how to install the application on our system to get it up and ready to run. - So why would I want to build an application from source code? - A really valid…
