From the course: LPIC-2 Linux Engineer (201-450) Cert Prep
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Managing SysVinit - Linux Tutorial
From the course: LPIC-2 Linux Engineer (201-450) Cert Prep
Managing SysVinit
- How would you like to have a refresher course on SysV init? It's coming up right now. - [Announcer] You are watching ITProTV. - Hello, welcome to LPIC-2. I am Zach and this is Don. And we are going to be talking about SysV init but kind of a high level, right? Just kind of an overview. - Yep, and you know, just like we said in SysV, we've already covered SysV init in our LPIC-1 course and we kind of went in depth into it there. So if you want a good deep dive you can jump over to it. But the exam objective is present for LPIC-2 as well, so we're going to do kind of a refresher. We'll run over how SysV init works, how we can see what services are running, how we can get services running that we need to get started or stopped, and some of the other operational aspects of it. Just as a quick refresher for everybody, because you may not have worked with SysV init for a while. - So SysV init starts after the kernel, right? And so then what happens? - Alright, so, you know, initialization…
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