From the course: LPIC-2 Linux Engineer (201-450) Cert Prep

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Supporting IDE and SATA disks

Supporting IDE and SATA disks

- SATA disks are very important components and we rely on them, but there are some things we need to do to make sure they work properly. Join us. (funky electronic music) - [Narrator] You are watching ITPro TV. (beeping) (whooshing) Hello and welcome back to, you guessed it, LPIC-2. And I'm Zach, and this is Don. And Don, so we're talking about, well, IDE and SATA disks, but mostly we're talking about SATA disks, right? - Right, yeah, you know, IDE and SATA disks are kind of recognized the same way by Linux, but IDE is pretty old, SATA is a heck of a lot newer, so that's what we're mostly going to be dealing with. And in this episode we're going to learn about some of the different things we need to do as administrators to make sure that SATA disks are operating properly under Linux, kind of tuning some parameters, things like that, and make sure that we're getting the best experience possible out of that hardware. - So, IDE and SATA disks are pretty old, like you just said, isn't…
