From the course: LPIC-2 Linux Engineer (201-450) Cert Prep
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Swap partitions - Linux Tutorial
From the course: LPIC-2 Linux Engineer (201-450) Cert Prep
Swap partitions
- Are you running out of memory on your computer? Find out about swap partitions and how they can help. We're talking about it right now. - [Narrator] You're watching ITPro TV. (upbeat music) (air swooshes) - Hello. Welcome back to LPIC-2. Yes, I'm Zach. And that's Don. And you knew that, didn't you? And so we're going to be talking about memory and memory issues and swap partitions and how that can help. - Yeah, in this episode we're going to learn a little bit about how Linux manages virtual memory through the use of swap partitions and swap files. We'll talk about what those are, why we would use them. We'll talk about why we wouldn't want to use them as well because they're not the greatest. - Oh. (Don laughs) - And then we'll see how to actually get it set up and add virtual memory to our system properly and some of the little gotchas that kind of are involved. That's all coming up right here in this episode. - So, we're talking about memory. Why would we want, why would we want…
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