From the course: Magento Community Edition 2 Essential Training

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Customer tax classes

Customer tax classes

- [Instructor] Now that we understand the basics of creating and applying tax rules, let's take a look at how to create a new customer tax class for a different type of customer that may need to be taxed differently from your regular everyday retail customer. In our example, we'll use a business-to-business customer. We'll say for example, in Alabama maybe there's a lower tax on business-to-business transactions. And so if we have a business purchasing from our website we want obviously the correct tax to be applied to them at the lower rate. So first we're going to create the new tax rule. Here in our tax rules, again, this is at stores. And tax rules. We're going to click add new tax rule. We'll call this business-to-business sales tax. We're going to create a new tax rate. We can just call this b to b sales. And again we're going to just, for the purposes of this tutorial, keep this confined to Alabama. Mostly just to keep things simple. And let's say that their sales tax rate is…
