From the course: Making Money with Branded Content for Creators
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Establishing a creative brief
From the course: Making Money with Branded Content for Creators
Establishing a creative brief
- When a brand says yes to your pitch and hires you for a branded content project, they usually send you a contract request for a W-9 and a creative brief. Not all brands will have a creative brief though it's a crucial part in establishing the plan for the video content. A creative brief is a document used to outline the strategy of a video project. The brief will be created by the in-house creative director, marketing team, or a collaboration between the creator and brand team, depending on the size of the company and if you are working with an agency or direct-to-brand. Great creative briefs will contain information on the target audience, outline of the deliverables and file types, identifies the competition, includes details on the tone, message, and style, provides a timeline for production and delivery, specifies the budget, and mentions inclusions and exclusions when it comes to messaging to make sure that…