From the course: Making Money with Branded Content for Creators
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Understanding branded content
From the course: Making Money with Branded Content for Creators
Understanding branded content
- So what is branded content? Branded content is content produced by a brand or content whose creation was funded by a brand. It's designed to build awareness for a brand by associating it with content that shares its values. This can be done in 15-second videos to a 32nd minute interviews. Branded content is what companies invest in to establish their voice authority or sell their products and services. Some examples of branded content are Doves' hashtag show us campaign, where the company called out to women to share their stories. They got thousands of pictures and videos of women telling their stories of what makes them unique and different. Dove, then may YouTube videos that compiled all of the footage to create a series that got a very high engagement rate. By using user generated content and their brands reach. They were able to share different stories from around the the country that spoke their voice while not…
Understanding branded content1m 13s
Types of branded content2m 2s
Why brands want and need content1m 44s
Determining your niche and specialty2m 18s
Challenge: Which brands do you want to work with?13s
Solution: Making a wish list of your top brands19s