From the course: Managing Globally

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Adaption, minimization, and integration

Adaption, minimization, and integration

From the course: Managing Globally

Adaption, minimization, and integration

- Great global leaders have cultural agility. They can work comfortably and effectively in different countries and with people from different cultures. They're great at reading the environment and responding as needed. But the thing to remember is that culturally agile leaders don't just adapt in every situation. Sometimes they need to hold a standard, and other times, they need to integrate multiple perspectives. What I found in my research and observed countless times is that great global leaders know when and how to use the right cultural response. They know how to adapt. They also know how to minimize cultural differences, and they also know how to slow down and integrate multiple cultural perspectives. Think of it as your way, my way, our way. Three possible responses. When you adapt, you align your behaviors and practices with the expectations of the culture you're in. You change your behaviors to the norms of…
