From the course: Managing Globally

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Make presentations across cultures

Make presentations across cultures

From the course: Managing Globally

Make presentations across cultures

- Think about it, all managers make presentations. Some are formal presentations with an audience and some would be informal, in a conference room or on a conference call. When you're presenting cross-culturally, you may need to adapt a bit to make sure that what you're sharing is being received as credible and convincing. For instance, before I give a keynote in another country, I always ask the conference organizer, what's the best presentation style for this culture? The answers are always extremely valuable and they tend to have three themes. What level of interaction the audience is expecting, how formal do they want me to be, and should I be using more stories or more data to be convincing. Let's talk a bit more about each of these three. There is nothing worse than asking a question to a group during a presentation and having your question met with silence and blank stares. So it's good to gauge how interactive the presentation should be before you start. In some cultures, such…
