From the course: Managing Up for Project Managers: Working with Challenging Senior Stakeholders

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Reviewing recommended techniques: Case study 1

Reviewing recommended techniques: Case study 1

- Meet Renee. She's a senior director serving as sponsor for the new company website redesign project. Her top concerns are ensuring that the new design is more robust, modern, and user friendly. And it's imperative that the redesign goes live within six months. As various senior leaders are invested in the success of the project, she often fields questions from colleagues. She's having lunch next week with project manager, Josh, who was assigned to the project a few weeks ago. While she doesn't know him, she's heard great things and looks forward to working with him. How would you advise Josh? Any suggestions for how he should approach this upcoming meeting? Pause the video now and jot down your thoughts. (light music) Welcome back. While there are no hard and fast answers in this situation, here are some suggested key priorities for this meeting. First, establish rapport. Begin the relationship building process by simply establishing rapport. Get to know her and let her get to know…
