From the course: Managing Up

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Toot your own horn

Toot your own horn

- I was recently working on executive presence with a team of women from a leading global organization. When we got to the part about tooting their own horns, you could've heard a pin drop. Like so many people, these women found the whole idea of bragging to be uncomfortable and uncalled for, so they refused to do it. Yet, these same people sit back and watch as their less experienced counterparts soar right pass them. I want to make sure this doesn't happen to you, so let me tell you how to make some noise so you will be heard in the sea of cubicles. Here's an exercise I use to help my clients get noticed. Write down an accomplishment that most people don't know about you. Perhaps you came to this country and didn't speak a word of english. No one but your family knows about this, and today your english is flawless. Or you're like one one of my clients and you happen to be an Olympic medalist. Both accomplishments take significant effort to achieve. Now, the next time you see an…
