From the course: Managing Your Emotional Response to Workplace Stress
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Nourish your personal life
From the course: Managing Your Emotional Response to Workplace Stress
Nourish your personal life
- Singer Dolly Parton once said, "Don't get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life." But today it seems like our careers take precedence over everything. You may count yourself among the 92% of professionals who say they work evenings and weekends, and you may feel like work-life balance is out of reach. While it may not be possible to make sweeping changes overnight, there are small things you can do to cultivate your personal life outside of work and to find greater balance and satisfaction. Start with your morning routine. Right now, you might start the day on your back foot, hit your alarm, check your phone, rush off to meetings. If you start the day overwhelmed, that feeling often remains with you. Now imagine easing into your day, spending just 20 minutes to an hour reading, journaling, meditating, or exercising. It sets the tone and because you chose those activities, it helps you feel in control…
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