From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services
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Content design tools for digital marketing
From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services
Content design tools for digital marketing
- [Presenter] When it comes to actually creating content for your marketing campaigns, there are a number of different options for you to choose from. So I want to take a little bit of time to go over what I think the absolute best options are. I'm going to start with Adobe Express. Adobe has long time been known as one of the top companies for producing graphic design software, and we're going to talk about some of their other products in a second. But Adobe Express, which you can find at is one of their newest products. It's free, and it allows you to create graphics, videos, slideshows, pretty much any format of graphic that you'd like. So for people who are new to creating their own marketing material, I would definitely start with Adobe Express. It's created a lot of buzz in the industry, and like I mentioned, Adobe is a very well known company, so I expect to see this product stay at the top of this…