From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services

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Mobile advertising platforms and tools

Mobile advertising platforms and tools

- [Instructor] When we talk about digital advertising like most things digital, the focus is moving more and more towards mobile devices. So let's take a look at the top tools that you can use to reach users that are using mobile apps. The first stop is with Google AdMob. As you can see I'm here at Now AdMob is Google's mobile version of Google Ads. Obviously, Google has been a great choice for advertisers and publishers really since digital advertising took off. So I recommend that if you're just starting out with mobile ads, this is a great place to start. If you already use Google for advertising on desktop computers or on YouTube, then you can use the exact same account. The experience is very, very similar. So again, great place to start. The next one that I want to talk about I've mentioned earlier in the course, but I'll mention it again, is is a fully functional advertising…
