From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services
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Social media management tools and suites
From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services
Social media management tools and suites
- [Instructor] Let's talk about some of the top platforms that you can use to automate your social media posting and combine your social media accounts to one platform. These tools will make it so you don't have to log in to all of your social platforms separately. There are four platforms that I'd really like to highlight, and with these four platforms, we can find solutions for pretty much any size organization. The first one that I'd like to talk about is one that you've probably heard of before and it's Hootsuite. This is the social media platform that really started it all and has been around since the early days of social media automation. They've done a really good job of updating and it is still one of the top tools today. So here I am on the Hootsuite website. Let's take a look at some of the features that they offer and then we'll take a look at the pricing so that we can compare that to the other platforms that we…