From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services

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Team collaboration tools for digital marketing

Team collaboration tools for digital marketing

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at some team collaboration and project management tools that can be used to plan marketing campaigns, track deliverables, and increase marketing efficiency in team environments. The first tool that I want to talk about is Trello. Trello is a pretty simple tool that can be used in some very powerful ways. If we scroll down a little bit, you'll notice that Trello essentially consists of three things: boards, lists, and cards. So in this example, this whole window right here is the board. This is the team board. And then within this board, we have three lists: the to-do list, the doing list, and the done list. Now, within those lists, you can see that there are individual items. These are the actual cards, and that's what houses all of the information. So you can add attachments, you can assign team members to tasks, they can communicate via messaging. There are a whole bunch of team…
