From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services
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Tips for selecting the right affiliate marketing platform
From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services
Tips for selecting the right affiliate marketing platform
- [Instructor] If you've decided that you'd like to run an affiliate marketing campaign for your product or service then you have some tough decisions ahead of you. Choosing an affiliate marketing network isn't easy. There are quite a few high quality networks out there and they offer some different features. So let's go over some considerations to think about when selecting an affiliate marketing platform. First of all, you want to look at the payment structure of the different platforms. Some of them run on a cost per click basis and some of them run on a cost per action basis. Generally speaking, if possible, you want cost per action. You only want to be paying out commissions when a user clicks on a link to your product or service and then actually purchases it. We don't want to be paying out commissions just when they click on the link. If we're going to do that, we might as well just do display advertising, right? So…