From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services
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Top affiliate marketing networks
From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services
Top affiliate marketing networks
- [Instructor] If you are a merchant that's looking to run affiliate marketing campaigns, it can be quite difficult to decide which affiliate network you should go with. There are quite a few networks out there, but there isn't that much information on which ones are the most reputable and which ones have the best options. There's a lot of information for people who want to be affiliates who are trying to make money, but not for the merchants who are trying to market a product or service. So let's talk about some of the top players in the game when it comes to affiliate networks for merchants. The first one that I want to talk about is at It's the CJ Affiliate network by Conversant, formerly known as Commission Junction. This network has been around for over a decade and it boasts the largest list of affiliates of any of the networks. So there's a ton of publishers that are ready and willing to market your product…