From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services

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Website user experience (UX) tools

Website user experience (UX) tools

- [Instructor] There are some drawbacks and limitations to basic tools like Google Analytics and we need to use some more robust tools to better see the funnel and flow of users on our website. So let's take a look. The first tool that I want to talk about is more of a service than a tool. It's called SiteSpect and you can access it at Now, this is a tool for medium to large sized organizations that are looking to improve the user experience on their websites. This is an expensive robust tool used by very large corporations. As you can see down at the bottom of the screen, it's used by corporations like PetSmart, Sam's Club, Urban Outfitters, American Girl, Sweetwater. These are really big companies. SiteSpect has been around for a really long time and does a really good job at optimizing websites. They do both client-side and server-side optimization. They'll increase your site performance in terms of…
