From the course: Maya 2023 Essential Training
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Add and control light - Maya Tutorial
From the course: Maya 2023 Essential Training
Add and control light
- [Instructor] In order to render in Maya, we do need light. Now, remember rendering is a lot like photography and it uses light to make everything happen. So, let's add some light to our scene. We can add lights through the create menu. Under lights, you'll see we have a bunch of different types of lights, or if we go over to our rendering shelf, you'll see, over here we have a bunch of light icons. So I'm just going to click on the spotlight and you'll see that it comes into my scene here. If I hit my move tool, you can see I can move that up and it's comes in a little bit small. So I'm going to scale that up a bit. Now I'm just scaling the icon. I'm not actually affecting the quality of that light. Now, in order to see how this light affects the scene, I need to turn my lighting to use all lights. And that will show all the lights in the scene and show me how those lights affect my scene. So now that I have my spotlight…
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Render settings6m 17s
Add and control light4m 53s
Arnold light types4m 18s
Image-based lightning and skydomes3m 35s
Using objects and lights2m 26s
Adding cameras5m 23s
Adding depth of field in Arnold3m 15s
Creating motion blur in Arnold2m 48s
Render view and final output3m 44s