From the course: Maya 2023 Essential Training
Selecting objects - Maya Tutorial
From the course: Maya 2023 Essential Training
Selecting objects
- [Instructor] When we work with objects in Maya, we often have to select them. So let's take a look at some of the selection tools in Maya. Now you can find the select tool here or you can hit the hot key, which is the letter Q. Now all I have to do to select an object is hover over it and left click, and now that object highlights. If I want to select a different object all I have to do is left click on that and notice how that selects and the other object deselects. Now, if I want to deselect everything all I have to do is click on nothing. Now, if I want to select multiple objects the shift key comes in handy. So all I'll have to do is select one object and then hold down the shift key and select the second. Now notice how the first object is highlighted in white, but the second object is highlighted in green. Now the green object is the last object selected, and this can be important in certain places in Maya where the order of selection is important. Now if I want to continue selecting objects, I can just hold down shift and continue selecting, and notice how that green highlight always shows the last object selected. Now I can also deselect by continuing to hold down the shift key and selecting additional objects. So I can basically just toggle objects on and off by either left clicking on them one or more times. Now again, to deselect you just click on nothing. Now another way to select is to use what's called marque select. So I can left click and hold and you can see I can basically draw a box. So if I wanted to, I could draw a box around these objects and they would select, or I could draw a box around these objects and they would select. Now if I wanted to, I could hold down the shift key and select some more objects and select them as well. Now the objects only have to be slightly inside the box. The box does not have to completely surround the objects for them to be selected. And you can also use marque select to deselect objects as well. So those are some of the ways that we can select and deselect objects in Maya.
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