From the course: Microsoft 365: Implement Modern Device Services

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Enable device compliance policies

Enable device compliance policies

- [Narrator] So we're here in the conditional access policies. We're now going to click Devices on the top left here and go back to the main devices overview page. Now underneath Policy on the left, we want to create a device compliance policy. This is done by clicking Compliance Policies which will then display the initial policy that's there. Now your tenant may not have a default policy. My tenant has a default one called Contoso MDM Compliance Policy specifically for iOS. Now to create a new policy, we'll click the Create Policy option here and then as before when we created a conditional access policy, we need to give it a name that would make sense. So I'm going to call it Contoso Android Policy. And then from the platform, I'll choose either Android Device Administrator or Android Enterprise depending on the type of device. I'll just choose Enterprise and then I can then pick the Device Compliance type. So from…
