From the course: Microsoft 365: Implement Modern Device Services
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Plan for device co-management
From the course: Microsoft 365: Implement Modern Device Services
Plan for device co-management
- [Instructor] Co-management is one of the primary ways to attach your existing Configuration Manager deployment to the Microsoft 365 cloud. It helps you unlock additional cloud-powered capabilities like conditional access. Co-management enables you to concurrently manage Windows 10 devices by using both Configuration Manager and Microsoft Intune. It lets you cloud-attach your existing investment in Configuration Manager by adding new functionality. By using co-management, you have the flexibility to use the technology solution that works best for your organization. When a Windows 10 device has the Configuration Manager client and is enrolled to Intune, you get the benefits of both services. You control which workloads, if any, you switch with the authority from Configuration Manager to Intune. Configuration Manager continues to manage all other workloads, including those workloads that you don't switch to Intune, and all other…
Plan for devices and applications5m 31s
Distributing applications2m 58s
Plan for application deployment4m 36s
Create an app protection policy6m 47s
Plan for device co-management6m 53s
Plan for device monitoring4m 16s
Implementing device profiles7m 52s
Plan for mobile application management5m 58s
Planning mobile device security4m 54s
Protect Exchange Online devices2m 38s