From the course: Microsoft 365: Implement Modern Device Services
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Threat protection
From the course: Microsoft 365: Implement Modern Device Services
Threat protection
[Instructor] - Microsoft also provides information protection. The first piece of this is BitLocker. BitLocker provides data encryption and protection features integrated with the operating system and addresses the threats of data theft or exposure from lost, stolen or inappropriately decommissioned computers. Kernel DMA protection protects PCs against drive by direct memory access or DMA attacks using PCI hot plug devices that are connected via thunderbolt 3 ports. Windows information protection provides info about how to create Windows information protection policy that can help protect against potential corporate data leakage and is applied against content stored on the device. Windows 10 also supports features to help prevent root kits and boot kits from loading during the startup process by utilizing secure Windows 10 boot. And then lastly, trusted platform module or TPM technology is designed to provide hardware-based…
Plan for Windows as a Service (WaaS)6m 21s
Choosing deployment methods6m 1s
Windows 10 Autopilot deployments3m 29s
Retrieve device details for Autopilot2m 46s
Import Hardware Identification (HWID)2m 18s
Create Autopilot deployment profile4m 13s
Enroll a Windows 10 device4m 11s
Analyze upgrade readiness for Windows 106m 37s
Windows 10 Enterprise security features5m 8s
Threat protection2m 16s
Deploy Enterprise security features7m 35s