From the course: Microsoft Azure Administrator Associate (AZ-104) Cert Prep by Microsoft Press

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Understanding app services

Understanding app services

- [Instructor] App services in Azure are part of Azure's platform as a service and service options, and you can use these services to host web apps, API apps, mobile apps, and logic apps. You can also host them inside app service plans. Basically this means that your apps are running on a virtual machine that are hosted and maintained by Azure. Azure App Services support ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, Java, Aruba, Node.js, PHP, and Python. You can also run PowerShell and other scripts, which can be excused in app services' background services. App services are hosted in app service plans. You can configure all the required settings, such as the compute resources, which region you want to deploy your apps to, and the costs, inside an app service plan. You can choose between free plans, the one that's more suitable for development applications, where you share all your resources with other customers, to fully paid plans where you can set the available CPU, whether to host your apps on Linux…
