From the course: Microsoft Azure Data Engineer Associate (DP-203) Cert Prep: 2 Design and Develop Data Processing by Microsoft Press

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Upsert data

Upsert data

- [Speaker] Upsert is an interesting word. It's what's called a portmanteau or a portmanteau. It's where you take two separate words, smush 'em together. Upsert is actually a combination of two important database operations, UPDATE and INSERT where update is where we modify an existing row or document. INSERT is where we add a new row or document. So, with SQL in the relational model, if the row value exists, we update it and remember to tie in with earlier learning, we have in the relational side of things that notion of slowly changing dimensions or SCDs if you need to store previous values of row data. If the row value doesn't exist, than do an INSERT. So, there's a little bit of conditional logic when you're doing an Upsert. It's shows up a lot actually on the non-relational side more often. Specifically, the skill here is pointing to Azure Cosmos DB because the way Microsoft architected Cosmos when it was…
