From the course: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Cert Prep: 2 Azure Architecture and Security

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Understand single sign-on

Understand single sign-on

- [Instructor] Everything we discussed in this chapter so far has been around authentication. Single sign-on comes into the picture after all the factors of authentication are successfully completed. It helps simplify access for users across apps and resources. We know that you need credentials to authenticate and gain access to your Azure AD tenant resources. That's easy if we talk about one app or resource. But, what happens when there are multiple of them? Do you have to authenticate every single time? And if there's multifactor authentication, do you authenticate twice for every app or resource? This can become very cumbersome for users. It'll annoy them and affect their productivity. The answer to this problem is single sign-on. You authenticate just once to Azure Active Directory. If the sign-in is successful, it generates an authorization token. This token has details of what a user can access and what actions they're allowed to perform. That is a simplified version of what…
