From the course: Microsoft Power Apps Essential Training: Beyond the Basics (2020)
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Change the browse screen - Power Apps Tutorial
From the course: Microsoft Power Apps Essential Training: Beyond the Basics (2020)
Change the browse screen
- [Instructor] We are continuing to work on our Intern List app here in Power Apps. The app is open for editing. And while it is a completely functional app, we can tell just by looking at it that it's not very useful, we need to fix that. And what we're going to do now is change the data that is displayed on browse screen. What we're looking at now is the browse screen. If we come over here to the left, to our Tree view, you'll see here, it says BrowseScreen. And there's a little down arrow, that will expand this list, and that's what's happened. It shows us all of the elements on the BrowseScreen. I'm going to collapse that for a second because you can also see we have the DetailScreen, and if I click there, it takes me to the detail screen. Our app has three screens. And the last one is the EditScreen. We're going to work on the BrowseScreen, so we're going to go back there and I'm going to expand the list and we…
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Making a data connection3m 4s
Create an app4m 4s
Change the browse screen4m 13s
Change a function formula3m 59s
Reorder the display fields4m 10s
Add columns3m 14s
Unlock the fields to change the display3m 53s
Add and remove fields4m 9s
Change the display mode4m 43s
Change how the list is sorted2m 32s
Change the search field3m 26s
Delete an action3m 52s
Save and publish the app4m 23s