From the course: Microsoft Power Apps Essential Training: The Basics
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The Dataverse: the basics - Power Apps Tutorial
From the course: Microsoft Power Apps Essential Training: The Basics
The Dataverse: the basics
- [Instructor] A few years ago, Microsoft, in partnership with Adobe and SAP, created something called a Common Data Model, or CDM, which includes collections of tables that describe standard business entities. Use of these tables of business entities provides consistency when we're developing applications, when we're storing data within an organization, and when we're transferring data between different organizations. This makes it easier to develop business applications. The Microsoft Dataverse lets you create one or more instances of a standardized database built on the common data model. Each Dataverse database includes predefined tables for data commonly found across nearly all organizations and businesses, tables for entities like contacts, products, accounts. Each table includes columns for common data. For example, a contacts table would surely have columns for the contact's email, their first name, their last…
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