From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training

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Create a table with T-SQL

Create a table with T-SQL

- [Instructor] To start writing your own SQL Commands in Management Studio, you'll start with the new query button here on the toolbar or press control N on your keyboard. That'll open up a new blank query editing window for you to get started in. Now when you activate this window, the second row of tools here in the interface activates. This is called the SQL Editor toolbar. If you're not seeing this toolbar, you can go up to the view menu, point to toolbars, and you can activate it right here. Now, there's two important elements that I want to point out right off the bat. On the toolbar is a dropdown menu where you can select the target database for your script. When you expand this panel, it shows you all the other databases on the same server so you could target your script to any of those. Make sure that our script is currently targeting the Red30 Tech database. I don't want to accidentally create a table…
