From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training
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Create additional indexes on a table - SQL Server Tutorial
From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training
Create additional indexes on a table
- [Instructor] We've previously seen how to add additional indexes to a table when I demonstrated the unique constraint. As a reminder, you can open up the table in the graphical designer by right clicking on any of the tables and choosing design. You would then right click on the column fields and choosing indexes from the popup menu. This will give you everything that you need to add new non-clustered indexes to your tables that will speed up the queries on those indexed columns. So instead of demonstrating this workflow again, let's go ahead and add an index to our database using T-SQL commands instead. I'm going to close this window, and then close the design window. Then I'll open up a new query editor. Now I've determined that we regularly need to search for customers by their last name. In order to speed up those searches, I want to add a non-clustered index on that column of data. To do that, I'll use the command…
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Create a view of the data8m 33s
Data table indexes3m 49s
Create additional indexes on a table2m 52s
Aggregate functions7m 14s
Use built-in functions5m 15s
Leverage user-defined scalar functions7m 12s
Introduction to stored procedures3m 58s
Create stored procedures5m 34s
Parameterized stored procedures4m 42s