From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training
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Create relationships between tables - SQL Server Tutorial
From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training
Create relationships between tables
- [Instructor] Now that we've created a link between the data in the Red30 Tech customers orders and products tables, the last step in creating a relationship between the primary key and foreign key columns is to tell SQL Server what we've built. We need to formalize the relationship so that it can be recognized by the database engine. This will enable SQL Server to follow the threads between the tables for us so that we don't manually have to look up values from one table to another. We do this in the table on the foreign key side of the relationship. In our case, that means the orders table. I'll right click on it and open it up in the designer. Then on the toolbar, find the relationships button. It's this icon here with the two tables that are linked with a little plus symbol. Go ahead and click that and it opens up the foreign key relationships window. Next at the bottom, press the add button and…
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Choose appropriate data types2m 46s
SQL Server data type options7m 19s
Automatically assign record identities4m 54s
Primary key fields4m 35s
Establish a default value5m 1s
Check constraints5m 10s
Unique constraints6m 23s
Foreign keys4m 16s
Create a foreign key column5m 16s
Create relationships between tables5m 6s