From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training

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Create stored procedures

Create stored procedures

- Let's take a look at these store procedures from the Wide World Importer's database. Now, there's two different ways that we can get to see all of these store procedures that already exist in the database. The first one is to go into the Object Explorer and expand the Wide World Importer's database. Then expand the programability folder and finally open up these store procedures folder. Here you can see that this database already has quite a few store procedures created inside of it. Another way that we can get to the same information using Transact SQL is to run the query that I have starting on line umber six. This will pull out the schema name and procedure name columns from a system table called sys.procedures. If I run these lines here and press execute, you'll see that we get these same information back that we're seeing over here in the Object Explorer window. So this is a list of all of the store procedures…
