From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training
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Data table indexes - SQL Server Tutorial
From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training
Data table indexes
- SQL Server depends on indexes in order to locate specific records at a table as quickly as possible. Without an index, SQL server needs to perform something called a table scan when trying to locate specific records. With this method, SQL Server simply starts at the top of the table and reads down until the appropriate data is found or the bottom of the table is reached. A table scan is how SQL Server approaches a table that doesn't include any indexing assistance or what's known as a 'heap'. A heap is simply a table that lacks an index and must be scanned completely to find a specific row. If an index is available, all of the records within the table are kept in a predictable sorted order. When a record is requested from the table a table seek is performed on something called the B Tree or a Balanced Tree Structure. In a B Tree structured index, the root level branches out into one or more intermediate levels and…
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Create a view of the data8m 33s
Data table indexes3m 49s
Create additional indexes on a table2m 52s
Aggregate functions7m 14s
Use built-in functions5m 15s
Leverage user-defined scalar functions7m 12s
Introduction to stored procedures3m 58s
Create stored procedures5m 34s
Parameterized stored procedures4m 42s