From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training
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Database schemas - SQL Server Tutorial
From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training
Database schemas
- [Instructor] Schemas allow us to group related tables together so that we can manage them and assign permissions to tables as a group. Usually these table groups are going to mirror the types of groups that you already have in your organization. You might have a sales team and an operations team and a product development team. Each of these groups of workers generate data that's unique to their department, but still contributes to the larger pool of data collected by the company. Schemas work the same way in organizing your database tables. If I expand the Red30Tech database inside of our server, go ahead and expand that folder there and then take a look at the tables, you'll see that all of the tables that we created so far have been added to the dbo schema. Dbo stands for database owner and it's the default schema that gets created for all new databases in SQL Server. We can create our own new schemas and…
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