From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training

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Enable features with Configuration Manager

Enable features with Configuration Manager - SQL Server Tutorial

From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training

Enable features with Configuration Manager

- [Narrator] I've just installed SQL Server, but if I look around on my desktop, I'm not going to find any indication that it's currently running. There is no program button on my task bar, and if I take a look inside of my system icon tray, you're not going to see any icons there related to SQL Server either. However, the server is currently running on my computer and it's waiting for users to make a connection. To check on the status of the server, I'm going to go over to my Start menu, and I'll find a program inside of the Microsoft SQL Server folder called SQL Server Configuration Manager. It's this icon right here with a toolbox. In fact, I'm going to right click on it and pin it to my start menu for easy access. Then we can start it up. Configuration Manager will show you a list on the left side of all of the different service types that have been installed. This is where you would go to adjust network…
