From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training

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Explore the role of system databases

Explore the role of system databases

- [Narrator] In the Object Explorer, at the top, in the Databases Folder, we have a folder for the System Databases. These four databases, master, model, msdb and tempdb, are required for the server to operate. Now while it's okay to dig in them with select queries to see what they contain, at no point should you attempt to modify their contents. So don't alter their tables, don't add or delete any records. SQL Server has a number of built-in dynamic management views, console commands, and system stored procedures that will allow you to safely interact with these databases. So it's likely that you won't ever need to access them directly anyway. But if you're curious as to what they do, let's take a quick tour. The master database contains tables and views that are essential to the functionality of the entire server. These tables store information about login accounts, system settings, and information about all of the…
