From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training
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Prevent excessive TempDB autogrowth - SQL Server Tutorial
From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training
Prevent excessive TempDB autogrowth
- [Instructor] Whenever your SQL Server instance is restarted, the system database, tempdb, is recreated. If your workload requires a large amount of space in tempdb to function efficiently, then you might be hitting a bottleneck of tempdb being too small and having to Autogrow up to an appropriate size every time the server restarts. You can minimize this disruption by resizing tempdb to a more appropriate size for your usage. To view the current size of tempdb, just right click on it and choose properties. Then on the files tab, we'll see its current settings. Right now it's set up to start at eight megabytes in size for each of the three files. We then also have the Autogrowth size, as well as its maximum size that it's allowed to grow to. Now you can change this initial size to whatever you want. For instance, you might want to change it up to a hundred megabytes for each of the files instead of just a limit of eight…
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