From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training

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Restore a backup

Restore a backup

- Let's suppose that that day has come where something terrible has happened in your database. I'm going to go into the Red 30 Tech database, right click on the product categories table, and choose delete. Then in the delete object window, I'll press OK. That removes the table and all of its data from the database. The only way to get this table back is to return to one of our backups. To start the restore process, right click on the Red 30 Tech database, point to tasks, and then choose Restore. Here we have a couple of different options. I'm going to choose to restore the database. SQL Server will go through its internal records to determine which backup sets are available, and you can make sure that the Red 30 Tech database is selected in the dropdown menu here at the top. At the bottom we have a list of our backup sets. We have the full backup that we've made, as well as the differential that we made in the prior movie.…
