From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training

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Review the SQL Server error log

Review the SQL Server error log

- [Instructor] SQL Server maintains an error log of issues that it's encountered while running. These logs can help you troubleshoot problems and see other events that the system has flagged. To view the server's logs in the object explorer underneath your connection, find the Management folder. Inside of there is a folder for SQL Server Logs. That Logs folder will have a number of different files, one for the current log and a whole bunch of archived logs. To view their contents, right click on the folder, point to View and choose SQL Server Log. That brings up the log viewer. On the left, you can activate and deactivate any of the log files that you want to review. And on the right is a list of the different items that they contain. By default, they get represented reversed chronologically, so the most current or the most recent events appear at the very top. In the toolbar at the top, you can export the log file, refresh…
