From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training

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Solution: Query information from related tables

Solution: Query information from related tables - SQL Server Tutorial

From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training

Solution: Query information from related tables

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] In this challenge, we need to combine records from multiple tables for a regional library, and the goal is to get a reverse chronological list of borrowing history, and show every member, even the ones that haven't yet borrowed any books. I'm going to start just by taking a look at the three tables that were given. We have one called members, and I'll just select everything out of that table. That gives me the member ID. This is the primary key for the table, and we get the member's name and their email address. Let's take a look at the books table. Now, this one also has a primary key column here for the book ID, and we have the name of the book as well as the author of the book. And then we can get the borrowing history from the loans table. This one has a primary key for the loan ID, and then we have two foreign key columns that relate back to the books table here and the member's table with this column, and we'll finally have the loan date, so this is…
